Meet our Pupil Voice

Over the years we have restructured and formed our School Council in different ways to reflect the elements of our school life that we think are important to develop and support. These have included the Arts; Ethos; Eco School and Charity. Every child in school is valued and has a voice and all pupils know this through the dignity and respect shown and shared throughout the school.

Currently, we hold whole school council meetings following Collective Worship, where we can discuss, debate and vote on events and issues together.


February 2024

Children’s Newsletter  ~ Would you like to help write our first edition? 

 ~ The idea of Shankhill pupils designing, creating and publishing a newsletter was suggested during a Collected Worship when we were learning that ‘My Voice Matters’ in Children's Mental Health week.

~ Our Whole-School Council were given the chance to decide if this was something they were interested in and voted after Worship ended. The result was almost unanimously “YES!” 

Pupils of Shankhill, this is your opportunity to let Mrs Batey know your thoughts, ideas and wishes about creating this newsletter. Please share these with Mrs Batey by Friday, 1st March 2024 by completing this slip on the form below.


To further explore parliament, democracy and polictical representation, we welcomed Dr Neil Hudson into Shankhill. This followed out visit to Westminster's Houses of Parliament when we briefly met him and had a discussion with his aid. During this discussion, our Y5&6's raised their concerns over the environment, and especially the lack of recycling options for Shankhill School. In less than 24 hours, new recycling provision was delivered to Shankhill extending the selection on offer to the community. Our pupil's vice was heard, and their views were respected and responded too. Thanks you to Dr Hudson and his team.

Here is Dr Neil Hudson's report on his visit to Shankhill:

Previously, we have elected all positions on the School Council in a democratic way: an election campaign; soapbox speech at our hustings and a polling day with a ballot box. Meetings were led and organised by our School Council and had staff members who had been invited along for support. 

Previous School Council Structure

  • Chair
  • Vice Chair
  • Secretary
  • Communications
  • Representative Councillors from Year 6, Year 5, Year 4, Year 3 and Year 2 (who represent Class 1)
  • Leader of Group for Charity, Eco School, Arts and Ethos Explorers
  • Teachers
  • PTA