Subject Quality Marks and Awards

Quality Mark

We are very proud that the high quality curriculum provision, teaching and learning present in Shankhill is recognised by the prestigious Quality Mark awards that we have achieved, retained and improved upon:

  • R.E
  • Artsmark
  • Music
  • Sports


We are very proud to hold the prestigious award of ARTSMARK.

Artsmark is Arts Council England’s flagship programme to enable schools and other organisations to evaluate, strengthen and celebrate their arts and cultural provision.Artsmark is nationally recognised as demonstrating excellence in arts and cultural provision. Holding Artsmark status demonstrates how we value the arts and culture. Artsmark contributes to the cultural aspects of learning and promotes students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Developing and celebrating arts provision is hugely important for children and young people’s education.

At Shankhill C of E Primary School, we are committed to developing and celebrating the arts throughout the learning experiences we provide to strengthen our pupils experiences, talents and love for the arts.

We will endeavour to share our experiences with you through this webpage.

To find out more about Artsmark follow this link:
